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dc.contributor.authorТопчий, Л.М.-
dc.contributor.authorTopchii, L.-
dc.identifier.citationТопчий Л.М. Лінгвістичний обшир терміна «комунікативна інтенція» / Л.М. Топчий // Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук : Міжвузівський збірник наукових праць. – Дрогобич : Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет ім. І.Франка, 2018. – Вип. 21. Т.2. – С. 87-91.uk_UA
dc.descriptionThe article deals with the analysis of the researches which devoted to the consideration of the term "intention", discusses the interpretation of the categorical status of this concept in modern linguistics, describes the classification of various intentional states represented by linguistic studios. Therefore, the purpose of this article is an attempt to define a system of linguistic means that embody intentional intentions through text communication. Achievement of the goal requires solving the following tasks: to carry out the analysis of studies devoted to consideration of the intention as an ambiguous linguistic category, to consider heterogeneous classification models of communicative intentions. With the development of the theory of speech acts, a model of communication was created, among the components of which were the motivation, purpose and purpose of communication. Intention (intention) of the speech behavior of the speaker was considered as an integral part of the process of influencing the addressee grammatically, logically and semantically structured expression. In the practice of linguistic studios, the intention is considered intention or desire. In cognitive science and philosophy, intention is understood as a subjective focus on a particular subject, the activity of the subject's consciousness. It is interpreted as the foundation of the typology of speech genres as a source of communicative needs of the speaker, as a communicative guideline and purpose of expression, as the embodiment of intention in the language form, as an ambivalent language category, which is the unity of the linguistic meaning and linguistic means of realization; as a mental apparatus for a system of means and rules for their actualization in structures, as a mental state and a cognitive construct, as a guiding force in the field of consciousness and thinking of man, and others like that. Due to the diversity of approaches and the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon in the practice of linguistic studies, there is also no single typology of intentions. There are: informative, stimulating, emotional evaluative and contact intentions; initial and final intentions; substantive and communicative; representational and communicative, author's intentions and intentions of the characters, intentional practical and mental, favorable and unfavorable, replicative and textual, intentions with greater and less intense intentions, open and hidden intentions, intentional questioning, inductive, optative, emotional, evaluation, interactive, etc. Consequently, since this question remains a controversial problem of modern communicative-oriented linguistics, it is promising to find out the role and principles of the functioning of communicative intention in different types of speech act, as well as inventory of language means contributing to the achievement of communicative goals, represent the peculiarities of the embodiment of the speaker's intent into discourse.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті робиться спроба узагальнити лінгвістичний обшир терміна «інтенція» у комунікативно зоорієнтованому мовознавстві, здійснюється аналіз наукових досліджень, присвячених розгляду цього поняття як способу вираження певного комунікативного завдання вербальними і невербальними засобами, розглядається тлумачення категорійного статусу названого феномена у сучасному мовознавстві, подаються різноаспектні класифікаційні моделі інтенціональних станів свідомості мовця, які представлені у практиці лінгвістичних студій.uk_UA
dc.publisherДрогобич : Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет ім. І.Франкаuk_UA
dc.subjectкомунікативний процесuk_UA
dc.titleЛінгвістичний обшир терміна «комунікативна інтенція»uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeLinguistic extension of the term "Communicative intension"uk_UA
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