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dc.contributor.authorВдовенко, Т.А.-
dc.identifier.citationВдовенко Т.А. Нисхождение автора в художественных произведениях англоязычной прозы / Т.А. Вдовенко // Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філологічна» : збірник наукових праць / укладачі : І. В. Ковальчук, Л. М. Коцюк. – Острог : Видавництво Національного університету «Острозька академія», 2016. – Вип. 63. – С. 33-35.uk_UA
dc.descriptionThe article focuses on the peculiarities of nontraditional narrator’s speech in foreign prose, deviations from literary speech. It also touches upon the problem of the main characters’ speech. Narrative in these novels is presented through narrator’s point of view. The present stage of linguistic research is characterized by an increased interest towards the problem connected with the study of peculiarities of narrator’s speech and its typical deviations in English prose. Despite the fact that the study of the problem of narrator was investigated by many scientists, narrator’s speech was not considered. The relevance of the chosen topic represents the description of the characteristics of narrator’s speech of the main characters. The aim of our article is to determine the peculiarities in the speech of the main characters. On the whole, the choice of the vocabulary depends on the theme of the novel, type and gender of narrators, and the environment of the characters, through whose point of view the story is presented. Such non-traditional points of view as narrative by a dog, a horse, a woodworm, a vase, a bottle makes it possible to describe things from unexpected angle. The results of the research can serve as a theoretical and practical basis for further study of the peculiarities of narrator’s speech. The prospects of investigation are to describe the peculiarities of narrator’s speech in literature of different countrieuk_UA
dc.description.abstractСтатья посвящена описанию особенностей речи нетрадиционных повествователей в англоязычной художественной литературе. Вопрос о необычных типах нарраторов в статье освещается под новым углом.uk_UA
dc.publisherОстрог : Видавництво Національного університету «Острозька академія»uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesФілологічна;Вип. 63-
dc.subjectанглоязычные художественные произведенияuk_UA
dc.subjectEnglish fiction.uk_UA
dc.subjectангломовні художні твориuk_UA
dc.titleНисхождение автора в художественных произведениях англоязычной прозыuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeAutor’s coming down in english proseuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові статті

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