Ізмаїльський Державний Гуманітарний Університет

Формування етноспецифіки мови українського весілля

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dc.contributor.author Свищ, Н.
dc.contributor.author Svyshch, N.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-03T08:21:49Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-03T08:21:49Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Свищ Н. Формування етноспецифіки мови українського весілля / Н. Свищ // Рідний край : Альманах Полтавського національного педагогічного університету. – 2017. – № 2 (37). – С. 81-86. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/698
dc.description Ukrainian traditional wedding represents the store of ancient religious and ritual views and practices. The lan­guage of the songs and rituals that belong to the wedding itself are also of high relevance for studying from either historical or cognitive point of view This study combines them both in order to illustrate complicated processes of language and culture formation that underlies the present state of Ukrainian wedding ritual. Ethnographic research of Ukrainian XIX c. ethnographer and folklorist N. Markevytch was used as a main source for the parallels with other In­do-European traditions. It was shown that there are a range of important symbols origin of which can be traced hack to the common Indo-European stock of beliefs. The Proto-Indo-European formula which includes de­signations of a son and a pig might be reconstructed from the Ukrainian wedding text. Ancient cult of dog might also be reflected in the Ukrainian traditional wedding. Ho­ney (Ukr. мед) in the wedding ritual has the same sacral meaning il have had in numerous other Indo-European tra­ditions, where it also is regarded as a source of inspiration and sacral knowledge. Il was shown that other key Indo-Eu­ropean concepts like fame or chastity are also embodied in the language of Ukrainian wedding. The other layer of the imagery preserved in the lan­guage of Ukrainian wedding belongs to the survivals of the social life o f Kyiv Rus. Thus, a groom is called князь (chieflain), whereas a bride is called княгиня (chieftain Is wife). The helpers of the groom are called бояри (as representa­tives of the highest military elite of the Kyiv Rus).Universal features of the traditional Ukrainian wed­ding rite are magic initiation of groom and bride, totemistic beliefs, the unknown nature of bride and the searching of her, the combination of prose and poetic components of the wedding text, the repealing o f micro-rites belonging to the wedding macro-text. Ukrainian ballads and fairy tales also contain infor­mation about archaic ritual and language elements of the wedding rite, especially the initiation rites. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У статті висвітлено проблему походження етноспецифічних концептів та їхніх найменувань, що вербалізують мовну картину світу в текстах українського весілля. uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;№ 2 (37)
dc.subject українська мова uk_UA
dc.subject весілля uk_UA
dc.subject мовна картина світу uk_UA
dc.subject етимологія uk_UA
dc.subject the Ukrainian language uk_UA
dc.subject wedding uk_UA
dc.subject lan­ guage word picture uk_UA
dc.subject concept uk_UA
dc.subject folklore uk_UA
dc.title Формування етноспецифіки мови українського весілля uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Formation of the ethnospecific lenguage of the ukrainian wedding uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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