Ізмаїльський Державний Гуманітарний Університет

Концепція «кінця історії» Ф. Фукуями в контексті сучасних глобалізаційних процесів

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dc.contributor.author Запорожченко, О.
dc.contributor.author Zaporozhchenko, O.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-03T12:21:27Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-03T12:21:27Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Запорожченко О. Концепція «кінця історії» Ф. Фукуями в контексті сучасних глобалізаційних процесів / О. Запорожченко // Науковий вісник Ізмаїльського державного гуманітарного університету : збірник наукових праць. Серія «Історичні науки». – Ізмаїл : РВВ ІДГУ, 2019. – Вип. 40. – С. 93-99. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/862
dc.description In its general features, globalization is the process of formation of a new world order, which is characterized by a common economic, political, socio-cultural and technological aspects. At the end of the 20th century the works of the American scientist and political figure F. Fukuyama became the subject of considerable debate. He expressed his understanding of the main trends of modern historical development and globalization in his concept of the philosophy of history i.e. «the end of history». This concept has rather important theoretical significance for explaining the essence and prospects of globalization processes and modern geopolitical strategies. F. Fukuyama refers to the historiosophical paradigm of historical progress, according to which history has certain internal content and direction, thus, humanity is moving towards more equitable and free social order based on liberal democracy. This paradigm took shape in the philosophy of the Enlightenment. It was focused on understanding the logic of the progressive historical development of mankind. Like Hegel, F. Fukuyama believes that «the end of history» means that there will be no more progress in the development of principles and institutions of social order, since all major issues will be resolved. That was exactly that kind of state that the world reached at the end of the 20th century, when the ideas of liberalism (liberal democracy) as the highest embodiment of freedom from Fukuyama’s point of view won in almost the whole world. In order to substantiate his concept of the «end of history», F. Fukuyama indicates that the communist ideology and the socialist countries were economically and ideologically defeated and there are no forces able to challenge liberal democracies led by the United States of America. Thus, the ideology of liberalism will gradually translate into the economic and political spheres, which in its turn will contribute to the strengthening of the liberal ideology. The concept of the «end of history»,is based on the paradigm of progressive historical development. It is rather contradictory, and that did not escape the attention of Fukuyama critics. First, the tragic events of the 20th century (totalitarian regimes, fascism, world wars, cold war, etc.) brought disappointment in the paradigm of the progressive historical process; second, critics see the Fukuyama concept as an apology for the expansionary US foreign policy; third, there are alternative concepts of history, such as, the «clash of civilizations» by S. Huntington. However, the multifaceted nature of historical development cannot be «squeezed» into any theoretical schemes, which in various aspects reflect certain angles of multidimensional world development. The debate about the logic of the modern historical process will continue further, because almost every researcher offers his own interpretation of the concept of history, and, consequently, of the historical process itself. But it is always a productive dispute in the sense that it forces people to rethink their past, to comprehend the present and look into the future. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract В статті дається коротка характеристика глобалізаційних процесів, розглядаються основні положення концепції «кінця історії» Ф. Фукуями як такої, що відповідає парадигмі прогресивного історичного процесу і загальним тенденціям глобалізації. Також в статті автор наводить приклади критичного відношення до поглядів Ф. Фукуями, порівнює концепцію «кінця історії» з концепцією «зіткнення цивілізацій», робить висновок про сумісність протилежних поглядів на історичний процес. uk_UA
dc.publisher Ізмаїл : РВВ ІДГУ uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries Історичні науки;40;
dc.subject глобалізація uk_UA
dc.subject лібералізм uk_UA
dc.subject ліберальна демократія uk_UA
dc.subject історичний прогрес uk_UA
dc.subject парадигма прогресивного розвитку uk_UA
dc.subject концепт «кінець історії» uk_UA
dc.subject концепт «зіткнення цивілізацій» uk_UA
dc.subject globalization uk_UA
dc.subject liberalism uk_UA
dc.subject liberal democracy uk_UA
dc.subject historical progress uk_UA
dc.subject paradigm of progressive development uk_UA
dc.subject concept «the end of history» uk_UA
dc.subject concept «the clash of civilizations» uk_UA
dc.title Концепція «кінця історії» Ф. Фукуями в контексті сучасних глобалізаційних процесів uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Fukuyama’s Concept of the «The End of History» in the Context of Modern Globalization Processes uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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