Ізмаїльський Державний Гуманітарний Університет

Морфологія українських говірок межиріччя Дністра і Дунаю

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Колесников, А.О.
dc.contributor.author Kolesnykov, A.O.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-05-23T21:36:54Z
dc.date.available 2020-05-23T21:36:54Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.citation Колесников А.О. Морфологія українських говірок межиріччя Дністра і Дунаю : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора філологічних наук : Спеціальність 10.02.01 – українська мова / Колесников Андрій Олександрович. - Київ, 2015. - 38 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1151
dc.description The thesis deals with the investigation of the Ukrainian dialects’ morphology on the basis of lateral multi-lingual and multi-dialectal area between the Danube and the Dniester rivers (BDD); the research is done descriptively and linguageographically. The genetic and dynamic characteristics, the classification of the Ukrainian dialects of above-mentioned region, the peculiarities of the language systems’ behavior of a lateral area are defined in it. The study is differed by the application to contradictory data of dialectal texts and program as a source of linguistic information about dynamics, status of dialectal phenomenon and character of its standardization. Due to a new methodology which takes into consideration the combining dialectal textography and special developed program, the author had succeed in illustrating the status of dialectal feature and stages of dialectal genesis; in making every dialect with repeated information control for the purpose to fix the dialectal facts more clearly; in taking into account and comprehension of different time slices material; in dialect description as a real communicative system, which develops in time and in territory under impact of peculiar local and changeable ethnic language situation; in orientation to the system approach and consistent description, which causes attraction of many linguistic philosophies and theories (structural, functional, communicative, cognitive, sociolinguistic) more completely. It detailed description of the morphology of the Ukrainian dialects of BDD and their first classification is presented in this work. Trying to describe every concrete emigrant dialect and their groups in the area and compare with over dialectal model gave the opportunity to expose the specificity of dialectal language in interfering area and of the new formation dialects, to conclude the principal pattern unity of different national language idioms with the possibility of mutual projection of dynamics’ vectors and tendencies observations for the purpose to forecast. The Ukrainian BDD dialects typology creation actualized the problem of not only the languages but also dialectal types, especially those which are not intensively interacted on a mother territory, the problem of their dynamics. Maintaining the genesis markers the Ukrainian dialects of this region demonstrate the dynamics of all grammatical classes. The morphological analysis and mapping affirmed the expediency of microsystems division according to the time of generation on primary (nearly 200 years and more in area) and newer formation (nearly 60 years in area), according to the origin character on mixed (background which is a territory of monogeneous microsystems mosaic) and monogeneous (and with the monogeneous features), and also the separation among the latter North-Bessarabia, Zakarpatskiy, West-Polissya, East-Polissya, Middle-Dnieper, Slobozhanskiy dialectal types. Besides, they made the classification of heterogeneous dialects, establish the degree of their relation and describe microareas. Admitting the main role in formation of BDD’s language landscape especially inhomogeneous transitional microsystems situated near Podillya and steppe dialects, we also pay our attention to the potential influence of the North-Bessarabia dialectal type. However the area is also essentially determined by specific mixed dialects, which are not neatly correlating with mother archetypes now. Most of their features have appeared as a result of dialectal creating process, characterizing by the competition of the South-East, the South-West and the Northern features. Not only the list of demonstrated differentiative features of such dialects, but regularity of their realization in speech, totality of dynamic markers enabled the distinguishing of four microareas in BDD: 1) Higher Danube dialects (a steppe type dominates, the South-West elements grade); 2) Central dialects (Belgorod-Dnistrovsky region, Tatarbunary and Sarata regions) (comparatively equal mixture of different proportion and mild activity of morphological dialectal genetic markers of Podillya, steppe, middle-Dnieper and other components); 3) Seaside dialects of Belgorod-Dnistrovsky region (the North and the South-Western features show on steppe background more regularly); 4) North-Western dialects (the development of many microsystems of Tarutino region is caused by huge influence of dialects with some traits of monogeneousness of South-Western Bukovina-Podillya origin, considerably larger than in Belgorod-Dnistrovsky, Tatarbunary and Sarata regions). These types of heterogeneous dialects are separated by mosaic of monogeneous microsystems of primary formation and mono- and multigeneous dialects of newer one. Almost all dialectal massive of the latter type (it may be qualified as the fifth microarea, which development is defined by the West-Polissya and, locally, Zakarpatskiy dialectal types) covers Artsyz and partially Tarutino regions. The general tendency of the development of all dialectal types is adjusting to the West-Steppe South-Bessarabia type. The important factor of dynamics is a literary standard which keeps and stimulates some changes in dialects. Besides the towns, the centers of literary waves’ irradiation are the dialects of a newer formation as literary language is a standard which is oriented on a native speaker, which is especially very different from literary language dialectal types or other dialects’ surroundings. According to the degree of reduction the stable microsystems with low reduction, minimal level of dynamics and unstable ones with higher degree of reduction, considerable level of dynamics are selected. The latter is very sensitive to the ethnic language situation, language and educational politics in a region. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Дисертацію присвячено описовому та лінгвогеографічному дослідженню морфології українських новожитніх говірок латерального полімовного і полідіалектного ареалу межиріччя Дністра і Дунаю, їх класифікації за генетичними та динамічними ознаками. Запропоновано методику вивчення переселенських говірок в інтерферентному середовищі із залученням функційного, комунікативного, когнітивно-дискурсивного підходів, соціолінгвістичної характеристики та біхронного картографування. Обґрунтовано евристичний потенціал суперечливих відомостей, отриманих на підставі діалектних текстів і відповідей на спеціально укладену програму, як джерела інформації про говірки та їхню динаміку. На основі морфологічних маркерів розмежовано серед досліджуваних говірок ареалу діалектні мікросистеми основної (давнішої) і новішої формації, моногенні, полігенні та мішані. Визначено генетичні типи говірок, диференціацію в межах цих типів, ступінь їх редукції та взаємодію в ареалі. Констатовано збереження ознак материнських говірок та поступове вирівнювання моногенних говірок під дією південнобесарабського типу та літературного стандарту. uk_UA
dc.publisher Ізмаїл : ТОВ РВА «СМИЛ» uk_UA
dc.subject переселенська говірка uk_UA
dc.subject полімовний і полідіалектний ареал uk_UA
dc.subject діалектотвірний процес uk_UA
dc.subject діалектний тип uk_UA
dc.subject діалектний текст uk_UA
dc.subject морфологія uk_UA
dc.subject генетичний маркер uk_UA
dc.subject динаміка uk_UA
dc.subject інтерференція uk_UA
dc.subject моно- і полігенез uk_UA
dc.subject мозаїчність uk_UA
dc.subject лакуна uk_UA
dc.subject emigrant dialect uk_UA
dc.subject multi-lingual and multi-dialectal area uk_UA
dc.subject dialectal creating process uk_UA
dc.subject dialectal type uk_UA
dc.subject dialectal text uk_UA
dc.subject morphology uk_UA
dc.subject the genesis markers uk_UA
dc.subject dynamics uk_UA
dc.subject interference uk_UA
dc.subject multi- and monogeneousness uk_UA
dc.subject mosaic structure uk_UA
dc.subject functional lacunas uk_UA
dc.subject переселенческий говор uk_UA
dc.subject полидиалектный и полиязычный ареал uk_UA
dc.subject диалектообразование uk_UA
dc.subject диалектный тип uk_UA
dc.subject диалектный текст uk_UA
dc.subject морфология uk_UA
dc.subject генетический маркер uk_UA
dc.subject динамика uk_UA
dc.subject интерференция uk_UA
dc.subject моно- и полигенез uk_UA
dc.subject мозаичность uk_UA
dc.subject лакуна uk_UA
dc.title Морфологія українських говірок межиріччя Дністра і Дунаю uk_UA
dc.title.alternative The morphology of the Ukrainian dialects spread between the Danube and the Dniester rivers uk_UA
dc.type Book uk_UA

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