Останній загальний звіт

Місячні звіти: 01/2005  |  02/2005  |  03/2005  |  04/2005  |  05/2005  |  06/2005  |  07/2005  |  08/2005  |  09/2005  |  10/2005  |  11/2005  |  12/2005  |  01/2006  |  02/2006  |  03/2006  |  04/2006  |  05/2006  |  06/2006  |  07/2006  |  08/2006  |  09/2006  |  10/2006  |  11/2006  |  12/2006  |  01/2007  |  02/2007  |  03/2007  |  04/2007  |  05/2007  |  06/2007  |  07/2007  |  08/2007  |  09/2007  |  10/2007  |  11/2007  |  12/2007  |  01/2008  |  02/2008  |  03/2008  |  04/2008  |  05/2008  |  06/2008  |  07/2008  |  08/2008  |  09/2008  |  10/2008  |  11/2008  |  12/2008  |  01/2009  |  02/2009  |  03/2009  |  04/2009  |  05/2009  |  06/2009  |  07/2009  |  08/2009  |  09/2009  |  10/2009  |  11/2009  |  12/2009  |  01/2010  |  02/2010  |  03/2010  |  04/2010  |  05/2010  |  06/2010  |  07/2010  |  08/2010  |  09/2010  |  10/2010  |  11/2010  |  12/2010  |  01/2011  |  02/2011  |  03/2011  |  04/2011  |  05/2011  |  06/2011  |  07/2011  |  08/2011  |  09/2011  |  10/2011  |  11/2011  |  12/2011  |  01/2012  |  02/2012  |  03/2012  |  04/2012  |  05/2012  |  06/2012  |  07/2012  |  08/2012  |  09/2012  |  10/2012  |  11/2012  |  12/2012  |  01/2013  |  02/2013  |  03/2013  |  04/2013  |  05/2013  |  06/2013  |  07/2013  |  08/2013  |  09/2013  |  10/2013  |  11/2013  |  12/2013  |  01/2014  |  02/2014  |  03/2014  |  04/2014  |  05/2014  |  06/2014  |  07/2014  |  08/2014  |  09/2014  |  10/2014  |  11/2014  |  12/2014  |  01/2015  |  02/2015  |  03/2015  |  04/2015  |  05/2015  |  06/2015  |  07/2015  |  08/2015  |  09/2015  |  10/2015  |  11/2015  |  12/2015  |  01/2016  |  02/2016  |  03/2016  |  04/2016  |  05/2016  |  06/2016  |  07/2016  |  08/2016  |  09/2016  |  10/2016  |  11/2016  |  12/2016  |  01/2017  |  02/2017  |  03/2017  |  04/2017  |  05/2017  |  06/2017  |  07/2017  |  08/2017  |  09/2017  |  10/2017  |  11/2017  |  12/2017  |  01/2018  |  02/2018  |  03/2018  |  04/2018  |  05/2018  |  06/2018  |  07/2018  |  08/2018  |  09/2018  |  10/2018  |  11/2018  |  12/2018  |  01/2019  |  02/2019  |  03/2019  |  04/2019  |  05/2019  |  06/2019  |  07/2019  |  08/2019  |  09/2019  |  10/2019  |  11/2019  |  12/2019  |  01/2020  |  02/2020  |  03/2020  |  04/2020  |  05/2020  |  06/2020  |  07/2020  |  08/2020  |  09/2020  |  10/2020  |  11/2020  |  12/2020  |  01/2021  |  02/2021  |  03/2021  |  04/2021  |  05/2021  |  06/2021  |  07/2021  |  08/2021  |  09/2021  |  10/2021  |  11/2021  |  12/2021  |  01/2022  |  02/2022  |  03/2022  |  04/2022  |  05/2022  |  06/2022  |  07/2022  |  08/2022  |  09/2022  |  10/2022  |  11/2022  |  12/2022  |  01/2023  |  02/2023  |  03/2023  |  05/2023  |  06/2023  |  07/2023  |  08/2023  |  09/2023  |  10/2023  |  11/2023  |  12/2023  |  01/2024  |  02/2024  |  03/2024  |  04/2024  |  05/2024  |  06/2024  |  07/2024

Dec 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018
Items Archived 51
Bitstream Views 747
Item Views 852
Collection Views 92
Community Views 58
User Logins 16
Searches Performed 428,577
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0
Content Type Number of items
All Items 50
Preprint 0
Thesis or Dissertation 0
Research Paper 0
(more than 20 times)
Item/Handle Number of views
Action Number of times
Searches Performed 428,577
browse 8,357
browse_by_item 7,524
Item Updated 1,173
browse_by_value 868
Item Views 852
Bitstream Views 747
Workspace Item Views 630
User Home Page Views 342
browse_mini 267
Bitstream Updates 262
Bundles Added 204
Workflow Advanced One Stage 204
Workflow Item Updates 190
workflow_item 125
Bundle Updates 108
Bitstreams Created 102
Bundles Created 102
Bitstreams Added 102
Collection Views 92
Community Views 58
Workspace Items Deleted 56
Workspace Items Created 55
Items Created 55
Invalid ID Requests 53
display_statistics 53
Workflow Starts 51
Items Added 51
Licences Accepted 51
submission_complete 51
Items Archived 51
Items Installed 51
Community List Views 43
authenticate 40
Workflow Views 37
Tasks Claimed 37
Workspace Item View Failed 23
View Workspace Item 18
EPerson Record Updated 17
View Workspace Item Metadata Failed 17
User Logins 16
View Workspace Item Metadata 14
/opt/dspace/etc/postgres, classpath 12
User Login Failures 8
Administrator Only Notifications 8
postgresql 8
Confirmations of Workspace Item Removal 7
Submissions Removed 5
Items Deleted 5
User Profile Views 4
Authorisation Errors 4
User's Own Submissions Viewed 2
System Integrity Error 1
notifyGroupofTask 1
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0
(distinct addresses)
User Number of logins
Address 3 12
Address 1 3
Address 2 1
(more than 5 times)
Word Number of searches
null 428,501
scope=null 116,706
scope=org 106,803
content 106,803
dspace 106,803
community@276 55,061
collection@feeaa211 49,120
collection@ce74d697 1,443
community@27b 1,117
collection@31f485d9 62
фурдуй 32
діалоги 7
вип 7
філолгічні 7
прокофьєва 6
єва 5
прокоф 5
Average views per item 18
Level Number of lines
Warnings 5
Log Processing Time 12 seconds
Output Processing Time 0 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 791,694 lines