Останній загальний звіт

Місячні звіти: 01/2005  |  02/2005  |  03/2005  |  04/2005  |  05/2005  |  06/2005  |  07/2005  |  08/2005  |  09/2005  |  10/2005  |  11/2005  |  12/2005  |  01/2006  |  02/2006  |  03/2006  |  04/2006  |  05/2006  |  06/2006  |  07/2006  |  08/2006  |  09/2006  |  10/2006  |  11/2006  |  12/2006  |  01/2007  |  02/2007  |  03/2007  |  04/2007  |  05/2007  |  06/2007  |  07/2007  |  08/2007  |  09/2007  |  10/2007  |  11/2007  |  12/2007  |  01/2008  |  02/2008  |  03/2008  |  04/2008  |  05/2008  |  06/2008  |  07/2008  |  08/2008  |  09/2008  |  10/2008  |  11/2008  |  12/2008  |  01/2009  |  02/2009  |  03/2009  |  04/2009  |  05/2009  |  06/2009  |  07/2009  |  08/2009  |  09/2009  |  10/2009  |  11/2009  |  12/2009  |  01/2010  |  02/2010  |  03/2010  |  04/2010  |  05/2010  |  06/2010  |  07/2010  |  08/2010  |  09/2010  |  10/2010  |  11/2010  |  12/2010  |  01/2011  |  02/2011  |  03/2011  |  04/2011  |  05/2011  |  06/2011  |  07/2011  |  08/2011  |  09/2011  |  10/2011  |  11/2011  |  12/2011  |  01/2012  |  02/2012  |  03/2012  |  04/2012  |  05/2012  |  06/2012  |  07/2012  |  08/2012  |  09/2012  |  10/2012  |  11/2012  |  12/2012  |  01/2013  |  02/2013  |  03/2013  |  04/2013  |  05/2013  |  06/2013  |  07/2013  |  08/2013  |  09/2013  |  10/2013  |  11/2013  |  12/2013  |  01/2014  |  02/2014  |  03/2014  |  04/2014  |  05/2014  |  06/2014  |  07/2014  |  08/2014  |  09/2014  |  10/2014  |  11/2014  |  12/2014  |  01/2015  |  02/2015  |  03/2015  |  04/2015  |  05/2015  |  06/2015  |  07/2015  |  08/2015  |  09/2015  |  10/2015  |  11/2015  |  12/2015  |  01/2016  |  02/2016  |  03/2016  |  04/2016  |  05/2016  |  06/2016  |  07/2016  |  08/2016  |  09/2016  |  10/2016  |  11/2016  |  12/2016  |  01/2017  |  02/2017  |  03/2017  |  04/2017  |  05/2017  |  06/2017  |  07/2017  |  08/2017  |  09/2017  |  10/2017  |  11/2017  |  12/2017  |  01/2018  |  02/2018  |  03/2018  |  04/2018  |  05/2018  |  06/2018  |  07/2018  |  08/2018  |  09/2018  |  10/2018  |  11/2018  |  12/2018  |  01/2019  |  02/2019  |  03/2019  |  04/2019  |  05/2019  |  06/2019  |  07/2019  |  08/2019  |  09/2019  |  10/2019  |  11/2019  |  12/2019  |  01/2020  |  02/2020  |  03/2020  |  04/2020  |  05/2020  |  06/2020  |  07/2020  |  08/2020  |  09/2020  |  10/2020  |  11/2020  |  12/2020  |  01/2021  |  02/2021  |  03/2021  |  04/2021  |  05/2021  |  06/2021  |  07/2021  |  08/2021  |  09/2021  |  10/2021  |  11/2021  |  12/2021  |  01/2022  |  02/2022  |  03/2022  |  04/2022  |  05/2022  |  06/2022  |  07/2022  |  08/2022  |  09/2022  |  10/2022  |  11/2022  |  12/2022  |  01/2023  |  02/2023  |  03/2023  |  05/2023  |  06/2023  |  07/2023  |  08/2023  |  09/2023  |  10/2023  |  11/2023  |  12/2023  |  01/2024  |  02/2024  |  03/2024  |  04/2024  |  05/2024  |  06/2024  |  07/2024

Jan 1, 2024 to Jan 31, 2024
Items Archived 1
Bitstream Views 5,715
Item Views 9,319
Collection Views 249
Community Views 195
User Logins 2
Searches Performed 34,058
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0
Content Type Number of items
All Items 1
Preprint 0
Thesis or Dissertation 0
Research Paper 0
(more than 20 times)
Item/Handle Number of views
Action Number of times
Searches Performed 34,058
browse 14,957
browse_by_item 13,066
Item Views 9,319
Bitstream Views 5,715
browse_by_value 1,990
display_statistics 931
browse_mini 340
Collection Views 249
Community Views 195
Item Updated 57
Error in Discovery while setting up date facet range 48
Community List Views 46
Workspace Item Views 42
/opt/dspace/etc/postgres, classpath 19
Error in discovery while setting up date facet range 14
Invalid ID Requests 13
postgresql 13
[2020+TO+2023]' 8
[2010+TO+2019]' 6
[2020+TO+2022]' 6
authenticate 6
Bitstream Updates 6
[2000+TO+2009]' 4
[2010+TO+2020]' 4
[2011+TO+2019]' 4
[2001+TO+2009]' 4
[2008+TO+2009]' 4
Bundles Added 4
Workflow Advanced One Stage 4
Bitstreams Created 3
Workflow Item Updates 3
Bundle Updates 3
Bitstreams Added 3
[1995+TO+1999]' 2
User Login Failures 2
[2003+TO+2009]' 2
[1996+TO+1999]' 2
EPerson Record Updated 2
User Logins 2
Bundles Created 2
[2020+TO+2021]' 2
Bitstreams Removed 1
Workflow Starts 1
workflow_item 1
Items Added 1
Workspace Items Deleted 1
Bitstreams Deleted 1
Licences Accepted 1
submission_complete 1
Notification of Archived Item Sent 1
Items Archived 1
Workspace Items Created 1
Items Created 1
Items Installed 1
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0
(distinct addresses)
User Number of logins
Address 1 2
(more than 5 times)
Word Number of searches
null 32,751
scope=null 2,500
dspace 1,552
scope=org 1,552
content 1,552
робота_магістр_недялкова_а 1,282
і_2022 1,282
кваліф 1,282
pdf 836
community@276 187
community@281 140
collection@ce74d697 116
community@27b 114
community@27c 107
collection@25b29886 76
collection@f162286e 68
community@283 62
community@285 58
collection@3cce1156 57
collection@df2d11e2 47
community@284 46
collection@feeaa211 45
community@279 40
collection@a71d634b 35
collection@492c68d5 24
community@27e 24
collection@70de4e47 23
collection@2888345 22
collection@a9a33dc7 21
collection@71f7b0f0 21
collection@4bb24351 18
collection@747d8b6c 18
collection@25da760d 17
collection@60584849 17
collection@31e04f6d 16
collection@6e801636 16
collection@f33a9e2e 16
collection@28605089 16
collection@ca6f5613 16
apache 14
error=org 14
dateissued_ 14
at 14
line 14
search 14
solr 14
syntaxerror: 14
32 14
column 14
parse 14
encountered 14
cannot 14
community@278 10
collection@3c90155d 8
2023 8
collection@4254c323 7
collection@a211ae53 7
collection@cb46a98a 7
[2020 6
collection@70eb83eb 6
2024 5
[2010 5
2022] 5
2019] 5
collection@cadcf66e 5
Average views per item 9,319
Level Number of lines
Warnings 1
Log Processing Time 701 seconds
Output Processing Time 0 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 81,173 lines